Overhead Wire Imaging System (OWIS)
The OWIS operates similarly to the Driver View Imaging System (DVIS), but is directed to produce detailed images of the pantograph, overhead wire, and supporting infrastructure. Just like the DVIS, it has the unique advantage that it is synchronized with all other inspection systems on the vehicle. Additionally, similar to the DVIS, the TWIS is offered with both infrared and visual light options.
Pantograph Monitoring
The OWIS is a useful system to monitor pantograph interaction with the overhead wire and identify locations of unexpected and undesired conditions. When combined with the Overhead Wire Measurement System (OWMS), the transit is able to pinpoint areas of pantograph distress.
System Integration
The OWIS is synchronized with all other inspection systems including the Overhead Wire Measurement System (OWMS) to provide images that are correlated with height, stagger, or wire wear defective conditions.
Additionally, the OWIS is synchronized with the Thermal Imaging System (THIS) to identify hot spots in the overhead wire (catenary) to help prevent undesired service interruptions from faulty power infrastructure components.