Inspecting the Right-of-Way infrastructure is important for any railway operation. ENSCO’s various Right-of-Way inspection technologies provide the needed insights to ensure optimum condition.
Clearance Measurement System (CMS)
ENSCO’s Clearance Measurement System (CMS) is fundamental to ensuring that proper clearance is occurring with tunnel walls, structures, and vegetation.
Driver View Imaging System (DVIS)
The Driver View Imaging Sysem (DVIS) captures images of the view along the railway to provide a valuable overall view of the track and right-of-way. The DVIS is synchronized with all other inspection systems, so it can provide images associated to other systems exception detections such as an DVIS image at the location of a clearance encroachment detected by the Clearance Measurement System (CMS).
Tunnel Wall Imaging System (TWIS)
ENSCO’s Tunnel Wall Imaging System (TWIS) operates similar to the Driver View Imaging System (DVIS), but has multiple cameras pointed at the tunnel walls to gain a detailed imagery of the tunnel wall condition. Just like the DVIS, the TWIS is synchronized with other systems such as the Clearance Measurement System (CMS).
Thermal Imaging System (THIS)
Water leakage in tunnels is challenge for passenger and freight railways around the world. ENSCO’s Thermal Imaging System (THIS) detects cold spots associated to leaking or pooling water. THIS can be synchronized with other inspection systems such as machine vision to see deteriorating infrastructure conditions.