GeoEdit 8
Track Measurement Data Management
GeoEdit 8 is a Windows-based Track Measurement Data Management program. Users can view data, generate reports, interrogate data, and export data for a range of efforts.

GeoEdit 8 provides quick access to exception, curve, and graphical data in a concise and user-friendly format. The software enables end-users to look at synchronized data of a single geometry test, or to overlay data from multiple tests.
It supports all measurement data from ENSCO’s systems, including track geometry, rail profile, ride quality, DGRMS, third rail, and corrugation systems. Users can export data to various formats, including CSV and MiniProf.
ENSCO also offers GeoEdit 8 PLUS, which has all the same features but adds the following features:
- Synchronized viewing of data with Virtual Track Walk® allows viewing imagery and measurement data together.
- Reprocessing track geometry exceptions to allow assessing different threshold levels.
- Offline exception editing to perform the same task that would be done onboard a manned vehicle, but review the exceptions in the office.