Kathmandu, Nepal – May 3, 2024
- Five countries are confirmed to attend the air quality workshops, which are focused on monitoring and predicting air quality in southern Asia.
- ENSCO Staff Scientist Jon Case will assist in training participants in modeling and satellite systems.
- The NASA-developed products are designed to increase capacity in developing countries facing unique air quality challenges that impact public health.

Research Meteorologist, ENSCO, Inc.
ENSCO, Inc. research meteorologist Jonathan Case is traveling to Kathmandu, Nepal to take part in a series of air quality workshops involving five countries.
The event, happening from May 6-10, is meant to empower regional stakeholders from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, and India to operate and maintain NASA-developed satellite products and unique modeling solutions to better monitor and predict poor air quality episodes in the region. Nepal, in particular, often has some of the worst air quality in the world, experiencing both natural and anthropogenic contaminants such as dust storms, smoke from wildfires, agricultural and biomass burning, and chemical pollutants. A range of executives, technicians, and forecasters from the attending countries will gather at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu. Participants are encouraged to collaborate on best practices and unique challenges to improve forecasts and decision-making in response to poor air quality episodes.
Case is part of the NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) team in Huntsville, Alabama, will lend his experience in multi-spectral satellite products and dispersion modeling. Case generates real-time products for international applications through the NASA SERVIR project, that works with regional organizations to help developing countries use scientific information provided by Earth observing satellites, models, and geospatial technologies to manage challenges that impact overall quality of life.
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