ENSCO Rail to Display Vehicle and Track Inspection Technologies During InnoTrans 2024

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Berlin, Germany – September 19, 2024

ENSCO Rail will promote its cutting-edge vehicle and track inspection technologies during the InnoTrans international trade fair for transport technology in Berlin, Germany. The event, taking place from 24-27 September at Messe Berlin, is expected to attract over 137,000 visitors from 137 countries.

ENSCO Rail, exhibiting at Stand 520 in Hall 25, will highlight its manned and autonomous track inspection solutions, vehicle inspection technologies, and data and asset management tools. Together with KLD Labs, ENSCO will showcase their comprehensive suite of advanced inspection technologies, offering unmatched capabilities for both track and rolling stock assessments.

“Participating in InnoTrans is an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders from across the globe,” said Jeff Stevens, President of ENSCO. “Our technologies are deployed in more than 40 countries, and we look forward to sharing how ENSCO and KLD Labs are driving innovation in railway safety and efficiency.”

InnoTrans, one of the world’s premier trade fairs for transportation technology, features more than 2,700-plus exhibitors and occupies all 42 halls of the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. This event is organized into five main segments: railway technology, railway infrastructure, public transport, interiors, and tunnel construction. Attendees will also have the chance to view both outdoor and track displays, featuring everything from tank wagons to high-speed trains across more than 3,500 meters of track.

Visit ENSCO and KLD Labs at InnoTrans 2024 - Stand 520, Hall 25


ENSCO Rail stands as a global leader in railway infrastructure inspection technology, extending its reach to serve governments and railways across more than 40 countries. ENSCO Rail’s state-of-the-art products and services play a pivotal role in averting train derailments and ensuring the safety of human lives, the environment, and economic interests. Operating as part of ENSCO, Inc.'s Surface Transportation Group (STG), it has served the industry for over 50 years, exemplifying a steadfast commitment to pioneering advanced technologies that enhance safety, security, and quality in rail operations. Its areas of expertise encompass automated inspection systems for track and rolling stock, asset management, and digital twin simulation and analytics. Explore the innovative strides made by ENSCO Rail’s in advancing rail technology and operations at ensco.com/rail.

ABOUT KLD Labs, Inc.

KLD Labs, Inc., a subsidiary of ENSCO, Inc., is a forward-thinking technology company that excels in the design and integration of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions, laser technology, and machine vision systems for automated railway inspection applications. Established over three decades ago, and with a global presence in 35 countries, KLD Labs' products are instrumental in inspecting rolling stock and track infrastructure, ensuring safety against derailment risks, and facilitating efficient railway maintenance operations. To explore the groundbreaking solutions offered by KLD Labs, please visit kldlabs.com. KLD Labs, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of ENSCO, Inc.

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